Friday, June 8, 2012

Misguided passions!

So this where it all leads?
All those paths to the ‘promised land’
My boots are worn out and so dust; my spirit slowly dwindling
This portrait they painted in my mind; is anything but forthcoming
An illness of the mind! Nothing but delusions and hallucinations
It must be the fairy tales! The soap operas too
And those amazing movies; lies! All lies…
I’ve been brain washed by the box!

I now find myself at this crossroads
Wondering if I took a wrong turn somewhere!
People must get lost all the time trying to find their promised land
Plus I suppose my map reading skills are also a bit off
So here I am in this lonely place
Trying to rationalize all the ‘uninformed decisions’
And possible wrong turns I may have taken
Maybe a drink will help lubricate my train of thought
I suppose the cogs and bolts need some oiling
What better to do the job than some liquor!
Off to the ‘watering hole’!

Denial is a sweet paradise
Some of that drunken advice & sharing
To lift your spirit and revive your zeal for life
That moment when you realize you’re not alone
In your lost and confused path to the ‘promised land’
Yes I’ll definitely drink to ‘safety in numbers’
Why not drown my sorrows in the bottle
Wake up the next morning feeling dead
Cry a river and drown myself in it too
Pray and wait in baited breath for a miracle
Or some of that manna from heaven!

In addition to being lost and confused,
I’m now broke, hungry and hanged over!
On the bright side my friends from the watering hole
Were ‘philanthropic’ enough to allow me,
My phone and my wallet enjoy a longer relationship
*How unnatural *
Get distracted for a split second and you’ll be robbed blind!
Those bastards would even steal you and sell you to the pirates!
*sigh* (back to my current situation)

Now that I’m lost, confused, hunger, broke and sickly
And I’m done drowning in my own tears
Mostly because the part of my memory
That isn’t totally erased from last night’s debauchery
Keeps reminding me that after the drunk sharing and advice session
My zeal was revived and my-promised land-map-reading skills refreshed!
It’s time to take the courageous thirty minute cold shower
That will hopefully wake you remaining cells!
Learn from the past; shine ‘em boots and keep walking
The simple truth is: life will give you blow after blow
The most important bit; is the part where you stand up
Dust yourself and move along swiftly; as if nothing happened…
Hopefully you’re keen enough to see the next blow
Before it land squarely on your face!
How sweet it is to be fully immersed in this life;
Such a joy to drown willingly in its passions …

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