Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sailing Through.

"You are your own worst enemy"
Such a curious statement to make,
It dares to imply that said person;
Intentionally arises each morning
Just to utterly screw their life up!
A rather myopic analysis of a life.

Mean while the "enemy to self"
Is busy digging deeper into misery;
Some form of saddistic pleasure
That has them tripping on chaos
Addicted to fixes of destruction
The rush of running wildly amok

Running not jogging or walking
Mischief knows no patience nor
Of the subtle ways of maturity.
No. It storms through your home,
Has its way with you and your kin
Then quickly leaves shamelessly.

As you ponder over the past events
Dissecting this wreckless creature
Your: child, sibling, parent or lover
Trying to fathom why all your good
Advice falls on deaf ears and eyes.
Stop hurting your self. Let go...

The mind of an "enemy of self"
Is rigged just like a time bomb!
At some point it will explode...
There will be Manic Highs and
Grim Lows... These are the worst.
The dips that submerge to drown.

Suddenly you're trapped and alone
Thoughts mutineering vehemently
Emotions in an ocean of disarray
Your entire being is unravelling!!
Is this what they call "going crazy"
I'm I losing my mind? Oh God no.

As you're trying to figure out:
What the heck is wrong with you,
Why you're malfunctioning and
Failing to subscribe to the norm...
Society is well ahead of you;
Already labled and defined you!

Worry not, it doesn't last forever;
The emo dips and lows I mean...
And don't for a moment imagine
Booze, drugs, sex or running away
Will remedy the 'issue' permanently
They won't. They don't. They can't.

This is some sort of spiritual itch.
It cannot be scratched physically.
You cannot run, for it shadows you!
Stop, breath and pace yourself...
The turbulence will not last forever.
Brave the storm and enjoy the calm.

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