Thursday, June 7, 2012

The NEWS & Other Horrors!

So this is what we've been reduced to; People who watched their nation fall apart! or are we just generally in denial? I think that we just stopped caring! Today I watched the most horrific show; it's known as the NEWS: I learned some grim fact about my country:

In the year 2012 some Kenyan children were learning under trees & rocks!In response to this issue the relevant leaders, such as;Alfred Khang'ati, didn't seem to understand the gravity of the matter and even proceeded to state that he didn't in fact think it was a big deal that the kids are studying under a rock because he too studied under a tree! Please note that the guy wan born in 1954 meaning he was studying under a tree in the late 1950s, we are in 2012 and he thinks this is in order! It's no surprise that his constituencies CDF performance is so suspect;

We have leaders saying that it's not about the money its the alarming rise in population;granted that our population growth rate of 10% while the economic growth is only at 4%! keep in mind that not to long ago the IEBC asked for 31.5 Billion to fund the coming elections! Talk about misplaced priorities! Mean while, the men in fancy suits insist on constructing a road in our precious national park!!! The saddest bit is the child in a in a christian school in Kasarani, who was made to drink a cup full of his classmates saliva! eeewww! That teacher should be jailed! And as if this is not enough; some poor calf was today buried alive in Murang'a in a bid to appease the spirit of a dead man; who in my opinion, is simply greedy and vindictive! Wanting a replacement cow as one died on its way to pay his nieces bride price!And that family, did it really have to end like that?! Imagine how confused and scared the poor calf was getting buried alive! I wonder what went down when they met up in the after life!

The news today was in deed a painful experience! As we sit back and watch a few insensitive people set our nation ablaze; we must ask ourselves- is this the nation we want to live in? Why do we let a few greedy yet thick people misuse us like this?!