Friday, November 20, 2015

It's dark inside...

When I was about four,I was nicknamed 'falling' by one one of my neighbors! I always thought he was a rather strange man;he'd always insist on tossing me up in the air or leave me perched on some high place that I couldn't get myself safely from! It's no wonder I'd always scream that I was 'falling' hence the nickname that he alone used on me.

The irony is that I was never afraid of heights. In fact I'd climb up and over obstacles on the daily; this would usually drive my mother nuts as I'd use these tricks to escape from the house just to play outside!

The difference was the trust involved. I obviously had no trust in my neighbors child tossing and perching gimmicks, so every time it happened; I'd lose my mind from the fear that he would inevitably drop me! And why wouldn't I be terrified; this was a strange man, who always walked up to me and decided I looked better in the air! Up to date I never understand why people feel the need to toss kids they just met up in the air! On the other hand I didn't mind it if my relatives did it... Trust, is a major catalyst for any endeavor; is what I learned from that experience.

The lack of trust breeds fear that if unchecked could cause great harm to oursleves, relationships and lives. If you don't believe me; think about your life, your current fears, what triggers your fears, what caused these fears... And you'll see your fears are all trust related. For instance the fear of commitment or neglect caused by past experience of someone you trusted abandoning you. Hydrophobia caused by some horrible water experience from someone you had put your trust in or maybe watching water take away someone you trusted! The list is endless but fear and trust are always connected.

So how can we remedy this? Can we take back the power that we give the creatures or people that torment us? Yes. We most certainly can do that. I think with insects and animals its easier because the general rule of that they are more terrified of you, than you are of them! So as long as you don't antagonize them you should be fine. With people its a bit tricky as games of manipulation and selfishness are often at work but none the less you choose your company.

But what if the thing you fear is inside you... Then what do you do? Aside quickly contacting the Vatican and advising them to bring an exorcism kit! LoL. If the thing you fear the most dwells within, then you must face it.

I assure you; there isn't enough alcohol, smoking, numbing, romance, running, drugs, friends, blame games, manipulation, help you escape yourself. Even after you try all these gimmicks, you'll soon realise that the journey to meeting your worst night mare is inevitable.

Step 1: Stop running and hiding. It's time to face your demons.

Step 2: Accept whatever it is you've been battling all this year's.

Step 3: Learn how to trust, love and take care of yourself. If you don't, who will?

Step 4: Learn how to use your darkness or shame to your advantage. Literally keep your enemy closer... Shouldn't be hard, seeing it dwells within! LoL

Step 5: Live and let live.